Tippi Toes®
Building Homes
At Tippi Toes®, we believe in a future where all people have the chance to thrive. That is why we have partnered with an international humanitarian organization to offer support to families and communities all around the world. For $12,500, we are able to provide a family a home, mattresses, a latrine, filtered water and a stove – this is life changing and gives hope to the entire community. Together we can help a child move from sleeping on the rocky, dirty soil to a dry, safe bed. If you would like to contribute to the next home we build please click below.
For Every 12 New Franchisees, We Build
a Home For a Family

Sponsor a Child
Tippi Toes has had the opportunity to work on the ground in Guatemala where we have danced, played and engaged with these children. We have seen the need first hand and have decided a find a way to take action and help.
Child sponsorship is one of the most effective ways to create lasting change for a boy or girl in need. When you sponsor a child, you spark a powerful, personal relationship. Your monthly support provides essentials like healthy meals, clean water, medical care, and educational opportunities.
We would be honored for your family to join along with Tippi Toes and sponsor a child with monthly donation of $40/month.